A little bit about

Dalecote House

Originally built in 1878 as a private residence for the a local solicitor and his small family, Dalecote House is an imposing late Victorian property located in the heart of Coventry, England. It still retains many of the original features, many of which are exemplars of high quality workmanship and aesthetic design. Since 1975, the building has been the home to over 10 freemasons lodges (for men and women), which meet in Coventry. The oldest lodge has met continuously since 1755, the newest since 2018. The building is also home to a library and museum relating to the contribution of Freemasonry to Coventry and the wider area. With an in-house caterer, a full commercial kitchen, a public licensed bar and a private carpark for 20-30 cars, the building has several rooms available for hire. It is an ideal venue for private dining, buffets, meetings, company AGMs, training sessions and funeral wakes.

Statistics for 2024-25

Freemasonry in the Coventry Rooms

Craft and Royal Arch Units
Companion Orders
£ 15000
and more raised for Charity
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